Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Bread Man

On our way home from dance class a few weeks ago, I said to my neighbor, Elizabeth, "One of these days I want to stop at one of these corner bakeries and see what it is people are lining up for."  She said she had heard of a bakery in our neighborhood where they used a furnace/hole in the floor to cook bread.  She hadn't been there so we went and found it right then.  Wow, the things I am missing right in my neighborhood!  It was such an amazing site.  People were lined up at 9pm with their own bags buying hot bread.  We bought some..for the price of less that .25 cents a piece.  It was so great.  I brought it home to Brad and we watched our favorite ITunes downloads while eating this great hot bread.
The next night we took the kids to check it out.
The next week, I went and asked him to make small pieces so each of us could make our own pizza for dinner using the flat bread as the crust.  (Pictures will be posted later).  The kids had a blast making and eating their own pizzas and the bread made a really tasty crust!
This the "oven" the bread is cooked in..It is so hot. He just sticks the dough to the sides of the oven and the hot coals bake the outside and the hot wall of the oven bakes the other side. Yummy! We took the kids for family night. They were fascinated and loved the bread.

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Wendy said...

That looks so good!

Kristin said...

That is pretty cool. We'll have to check it out sometime.

I noticed you're reading Twilight. You can see who they are casting for the upcoming movie here: