Monday, April 20, 2009

Charlie's Off... on Two Wheels

Charlie has had no interest in learning to ride a 2-wheeler.  Last summer in Utah Jack wanted to learn and was relentless when he wanted help.  It didn't take long.  After a few evenings outside with Brad chasing him he was off.
(Look how focused he is.  Biting his lip.)
All the while I kept asking Charlie if he wanted a turn.  "No" was his simple reply.  We didn't push him and he didn't express any interest at all.  
Last week he announced he wanted to learn to ride a 2-wheeler.  He asked a few times but it was either too hot out or I had just cleaned up for the day and didn't want to get sweaty again chasing him around.  Two nights ago he caught Brad.  Instead of softball, he wanted to learn how to ride.  Brad went outside to help him.  I didn't even have time to get my camera before Brad was back in the house.  Charlie was already off on his own, riding on 2 wheels.  I guess he has watched it long enough and thought about it and when he set his mind to it he was ready.  
I am so happy for him.  To see him so proud of himself is such fun.  Selfishly, I'm sad that I didn't get any pictures or movies of the learning process.  The couple I took today will have to do.