Friday, January 2, 2009

Lawrence of Arabia..Imagine

If you can believe it, neither Brad nor I have ever seen Lawrence of Arabia!  It's Friday night, our sabbath, also our weekend.  Saturday is just like the Christian world, Saturday.  So on Friday nights we like to watch a movie, ITunes TV or something "celebratory".  Brad decided to watch Lawrence of Arabia tonight.  I am enjoying blogging while these 3 (well, Brad) watch the movie.
Charlie has often been considered a "Mama's Boy".  I like that about him.  It's nice to have a "Boy".  He usually likes me to read to him at night and snuggle with him.  Rough play, tickle torture and other games are reserved for Dad.  
One would think the broken leg would create a lot of Mama's Boy time..NOT SO!  Turns out this Mama's boy decided to choose the time of a serious injury to become a "DO-IT-YOURSELF- GUY".  He refuses help up the stairs, down the stairs, getting water, climbing onto and off of the couch and even, as of tonight, putting on his jammies."  When I offer to carry him he says, "No thanks, I can do it."  Honestly, I think the other 3 kids with 2 healthy legs would take me up on that offer.
Chubs coming down the stairs..I really almost didn't get the camera out fast enough and it was right by the stairs.  If he doesn't break his other leg I'll be surprised.
Getting onto the couch to watch the movie with Dad.  He throws his broken leg up onto the couch and pulls himself up.  

A Blue Cast for Charlie

Charlie went into the hospital yesterday, New Year's Day, to get a new cast.  It was necessary for the doctor to put him under sedation in order to manipulate the bones into a better position for healing.  Without sedation it would have been way too painful.  Brad, Charlie and I left home for our 10 a.m. "appointment".  At noon we were placed in a room and by 12:45 the procedure was taking place..At 3p.m. Charlie finally woke up and met the criteria for discharge from the hospital.  He chose a blue cast.
As has been the case through this entire ordeal, Charlie was very brave and hasn't suffered too much.  We go back next week for yet another cast that will fit a bit tighter around his leg.
The broken leg has slowed him down a bit but hasn't "kept him down".  He scoots around on his bottom and pulls himself up onto the couch or a chair.  He even can get up the stairs.  Since I can't keep him down as the doctor recommended, I'm just hoping he doesn't do anything to prolong the situation.  
We are proud of him.  He is tough and hasn't complained.  He keeps Sharpies clipped onto the collar of his shirt so he can have people sign the cast when they show up at the house.