Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Count Down to African Adventure

It's been a dream of mine for as long as I remember to go on safari in Africa.  That dream will become a reality in less than 2 weeks!  This is one of the benefits of living in this part of the world.  Proximity to continents that are so far from home. 
Jack includes a prayer for a "good trip to Africa" in each of his prayers.  He told me the other day that we will see elephants tearing down trees.  According to him they do this so the other elephants can eat the trees.  It sounds logical. 
We will travel for 7 days.  Five of those days will be spent on safari.  We will migrate around to different camp sites following herds of animals in an attempt to see the most of everything. 
 Time is passing so quickly.
We depart on the 24th, Cairo's 9th birthday.  After we return we celebrate Jack and Charlie's 6th!  Then, I'm off to Utah to meet my new niece and hopefully find us a place to call home in Cedar City.
Before long this Abu Dhabi experience will be just fond memories.  And we'll be off on a new adventure making new memories together.

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