Monday, March 30, 2009

It Has Started!

I knew the day would come when the boys started asking for a certain "brand" of running shoes.  The Heely's were a little different because they have an aspect of "fun" associated with them.  
A few weeks ago Jack got it in his head that he needed Sketchers.  Just like his desire for the Heely's he talked about them for a few days and before long he showed up at home with a pair of Sketchers that were 3-4 sizes too big.  Kalvin, a neighbor, had generously given Jack an old pair of his Sketchers. (Just as he had with some old Heely's.)  Jack was fine wearing the "too-big" shoes.  After his first day at school in the shoes I decided we had better get him some that fit or we may wind up in the E.R. with another broken limb due to a trip-and-fall.
Charlie quickly caught on and decided he needed some new shoes too.  They had a day off school last Sunday while Sam and Cairo still had class.  So the 3 of us took off for a fun time at the mall.  We found Sketchers for each of them.  Jack tried on several pair before he decided on the mostly black pair (on the right) and Charlie just picked up the first pair he saw and was happy with them (on the left).  
Both boys can run faster and jump higher than they ever have thanks to Sketchers!  Charlie, however, loses the "cool factor" when he insists on wearing church socks every day.  (Where did that come from?)

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