Monday, March 16, 2009

Etiquette Dinner at the Cooks

We have been trying to help the kids understand basic table manners.  They are slowly catching on but there is still work to be done.  Tonight I cooked a big dinner so at the last minute I decided to host an "Etiquette Dinner Party" for the family.  I quickly typed up a formal invite and delivered one to each of the children.  They were told they needed their invitation to get into the dinner because it was only for my very favorite people.
We had candle light and Cairo acted as the hostess and seated each of the others as they appeared with their invitation.  She then took drink orders and served them.  During dinner we talked about basic manners at the table and knowing how to act appropriately in different situations.  Brad is always a great teacher.  He brought up how we act differently at a birthday party than we would in school, etc.. The kids responded so well to the whole thing.  They really stepped it up and used their best manners.  We followed up dinner with popcorn and a short movie before bed.  It was a really fun night and didn't take much more energy than dinner usually does.  We have set a goal to try to have a special etiquette night at least once a month to really practice our table manners...We'll see how it goes.

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