Monday, December 29, 2008

Charlie Rings in the New Year with Plaster..and Sets Some Family Records

We had potential to get out of this country with only one emergency run to the doctor for Jack's split chin on the twin's 4th birthday..but, it WAS too good to be true.  Charlie took a fall from the newly installed play set at the Fortress today and a friend quickly fell right on top of him...leading to what I finally assessed to be a broken leg..So, off to the urgent-care we went.  Charlie cried for quite a while at home but by the time we reached the office and got put into a room he was tired and quiet and seemingly pain-free.  Good thing, because, as we would in the US, there was quite a wait at the urgent care.  When we finally got the x-ray and had it read by the doctor (with me looking over his shoulder), it was determined that Charlie had fractured his tibia and fibula just above the ankle on his left leg.

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