Friday, August 1, 2008

The Face-Lift is Complete!

Our exterior upgrades are nearly finished. We have some finishing details we need to complete but these photos show the new roof and the new paint color. What do you think? We are really happy with the results. A lot of work and a lot of $$$ later, we have given our home some LOVE..

This is the "Before" picture that was shown on an earlier post:

This is the front porch. If you look closely at the wreath above the front door you can see a little bird nest that Brad found in a tree when he was trimming. I decided to put it in the wreath because I couldn't bare to throw it away. It is kind of symbolic of our little nest here in Provo.


Mrs.Kerr said...

Darling, Darling, Darling. Love it! Bet your renters
smile each time they drive by. Anxious to see it in person.

oodlesofoversons said...

That looks really good! Bet you're glad to have it all done.

dynamike said...

Hey you guys! Looks like you've had a great summer and had some memorable family time with the relatives. We wanted to let you know that we're moving to NYC in 2 weeks- Mike is already out there and I'll follow him after our apt. is ready for us to move into. Crazy but exciting times over here! Hey, a new family is moving to Abu Dhabi in the fall- they are the Roberts (the wife's name is Ellen) and they seem really great. They are friends of a friend and Ellen was really nervous about the move, but I let her know that a wonderful ward family is there waiting to take them in. They'll add a lot to the ward- and they have a little girl just Cairo's age! Just thought I'd let you know so you could keep an eye out for them. Be in touch!
Erin Allen

Kirsten said...

Looks great! I love your house, I bet its hard to leave it.
I saw your post about Red Mango and went and tried it here in Vegas. Its yummy and healthy- Sweet, Thanks!