Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama Speaks to Mulsim World

Brad and I had the opportunity to watch President Obama's speech, addressed to the Mulsim world, at the U.S. Ambassador's residence.  We were in the company of Diplomats and Ambassadors from all around the region.  It was amazing to watch and listen to our President speak so confidently and sincerely about his desires to focus more on what we have in common than on our differences.  
It is a great lesson I've gained from this experience of living in Abu Dhabi.  All of human-kind is really more alike than they are different.  The speech was very well received.  Many Diplomats spoke following the broadcast of the importance to get behind President Obama.  To trust him and to take this opportunity they have waited so long for to create a healthy relationship of trust among strong religious countries and individuals.
If you didn't hear the speech, it's worth listening.  


Wendy said...

I was wondering what you and Brad had thought of the speech. Glad to hear it was liked!

Mrs.Kerr said...

What a fabulous opportunity to listen to Obama in such a unique setting. What a speech! Obama rocks!

Erin said...

Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you right now. I can't believe your time in Abu Dhabi is finally at an end- it's hard to say goodbye to such a unique and special place, and especially all the wonderful people who become like family over there. Luckily the world is small these days. That being said, change is still so hard and I really empathize with what you're going through right now. I hope everything goes smoothly for your family as you transition to life back in the States, and I hope that you'll continue to be in touch. I love checking in on your beautiful family and living adventures vicariously through you!

Erin Allen