Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Dani and Cairo decided to sell frozen OtterPops at Drew's game. They managed to sell out quickly. I'm certain, based on the stained lips and tongues, that Jack and Charlie were their most frequent customers

After the ballgame, Dani and Cairo wanted to walk home to Jenn's house. We let them out a few streets from the house and they were so cute how they held hands and headed off to the house.

Sammy watching Drew play ball.

Charlie at the ballgame, enjoying his OtterPop and the red stained lips that will remind all of us what he had to eat at the game.

Time with Cook cousins watching Noah play baseball

Braxon is Jack and Charlie's "pardner". The three of them have a great time together. It is so much fun to see how these kids seem to just pick up where they left off.

Avery is another fun Cook cousin. She is Braxon's older sister and a daughter to Cory and Angie. It's crazy how these kids are getting older but I'm not..

Sun Valley was our next destination. We met Bobbi in Tremonton and rode in the same car to see Drew play baseball and to watch his martial arts test. Of course there were a lot of reasons to visit Jenn, Skip and the kiddos but watching Drew in action was a highlight. All the kids are getting just old enough to enjoy each other and to be able to sleep through the night in spite of the new surroundings they experience daily.

Jack at Drew's baseball game..

Upon our arrival in Utah the weather immediately became unseasonably cold. Therefore our fun was moved to indoor venues. The Cook and Merrick cousins had a great time roller skating and playing arcade games at the Logan fun park. This is Cairo and Dani on their skates.

Missing family and the events that go with it is the most difficult part of living in Abu Dhabi. So, when we get home for the summer we do all we can to support our cousins in their activities. We turned out this night to watch Noah play baseball.

My great sisters-in-law, Michelle and Angie. We have so much fun together and the cousins really love the time together. On this beautiful evening we all met at the ballpark to watch Noah play baseball.

This shot was taken in Hailey, Idaho near my sister Jenn's home. When I saw all the great poppies we just had to stop and take some pics with the girls in the flowers.

Cairo and Dani