Wednesday, October 29, 2008

This is Why I Love This Place

From one day to the next, driving around Abu Dhabi continues to be an adventure..Last week: We were literally, "HIT BY A BUS!" Yes, 5th car crash in 2 years..But how many people can say with all honesty they feel like they've been hit by a bus?
On the brighter side, today Shari and I were driving home from spinning and shopping and saw these falcons. Their trainers were sitting there with them and were kind enough to let us take some great photos. Check it out

The Best Birthday

I'm 41 (YUCK!), why do I still feel 20? Anyway, I'm uncertain as to how many more years I will enjoy such wonderful gifts from Sam. He's 10 and soon, unfortunately, he will probably be too cool to leave notes like this for his Mom. How blessed am I, to have such a great little family!?!?

Love This Fruit

The "LOBSTER" of fruit!
Pomello..I love it. But, it's a lot of work getting into the good part. It's just like any shell fish. You have to work for the prize. Luckily, Marilyn grew up with pomellos in the Philippines and she knows how to get into these babies. One the best parts of my day is when we get home from school and Marilyn has a peeled pomello waiting for Cairo and me to share while we do homework together.

Happy Halloween