Saturday, March 14, 2009

Photos from the trip to Hatta with Dan, JoAnna, Brad, Jack and Cairo.  First they rode the ships of the desert then they rode modern day transportation.  What a great day they had.

It's Camel Time..

It's the final days of camel racing in the Emirates.  I've been able to go out to the track quite a bit lately with the visitors we have had.  First Dan and JoAnna came, then Sargon had a group of friends come from the Bay area in California.  I just love showing people the camels and sharing with them one of the age old traditions of this part of the world.

March Brings Visitors

Dan and JoAnna came to visit for a week.  Dan is a friend of Brad's from Payson High School.  Thanks to Facebook they reconnected and being the adventurers they are, Dan and JoAnna accepted our invitation to come and visit our part of the world.
They were such great company.  The kids had a great time talking with them and tagging along on some of their excursions.  Jack had a great time helping Dan edit his photos at the end of every day.  On their last day here Brad took them, Jack and Cairo to Hatta to see the Fort and another part of the geography of the Emirates.

They spent some time at Brad's college visiting with students and having a tour of the campus.