Saturday, June 7, 2008

We're Baaaaack

We're back, we're home. The flight went really well. I'm so proud of the kids. They really were good at entertaining themselves and even though the movies and tv on the Delta flight were all messed up and every time the kids tried to watch anything it was Charlie Wilson's War. That seemed to be the default no matter what the request was. One time they got Spongebop (Charlie's pronunciation) going then they couldn't see the screen which was attached to the headrest in front of them and not adjustable. So I found Jack sitting on a suitcase and two pillows in order to see the high screen.
We were met by a crowd of loving family. Cousins, cousins, cousins! It's been a non-stop party ever since.
The house looks great and is well cared for.
After two nights at home the kids and I seem to be adjusted to the time change and over our jet-lag. Fun times. We just need to get Brad here now!

Check this weather! What's up with this. If you take the temp. in Abu Dhabi and divide it in half...The number is still higher than what we have here. The humidity is probably about the same though. It's 46 degrees today. We don't have any warm clothes that fit the kids.

These are my two sisters, Sarah and Jenn. They had just successfully completed the first of a series of injections for Sarah's IVF treatment. Sarah and JD have already been doing daily injections into Sarah but last night was the beginning of a whole mixture of chemicals to create just the right chemical to create babies!!! We're optimistic!


shannon said...

Welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oodlesofoversons said...

Welcome back!;0)

Shari said...

welcome home.......freezing here isn't it? I can't find your Provo number, can you email me it please.

Teresa said...

YAY for Sarah! I will pray for her!
Glad you're home Terri!
Love Cairo's middle name! High 5!

Luke and Tiff said...

Welcome home! We are excited to see you and to show off our darling baby Kaden.

Anonymous said...

So glad your home safe and sound, your mom is going to be so excited!

christa said...

You're killin me. . .I knew I shouldn't have even looked. Ahhhhh, photos of sisters hangin out and catching up. Maybe in my next life!

Glad you all made it back safe, enjoy the summer in the states!

Stephens Family said...

Hi Terri!

So glad you are back home for some time. I think I lost your email, will you email me again please! I will send you an invite, life is crazy as you well know so time gets away from me! Have fun with your fun family!

dynamike said...

Glad you guys are back! If you're ever in SLC and want to meet up at Gateway or temple square or grab lunch or something, please let me know, we'd love to see you guys and have you meet Jonah! my email address is

Erin Allen