Saturday, March 1, 2008

Brownie Scout Camp Out at ACS Cramer Field

It was a new tent, large enough for 6 people..I pulled out the instructions to set it up just the right way. Most of you know, I am not an "instruction girl" but I was going to do this right! The first concern was the misspelling of the word "instructions"...Then step (1) Follow set up instructions carefully..There were NO SET UP instructions!..Welcome to the UAE. Luckily, it was quite easy to figure out and just taught me that taking time to read instructions is not something I have really been missing out on.

What's a campout without S'mores? Around here, graham crackers are not available but luckily Cairo's leader and second mother, Carol, Layla's Mom, works at the US Embassy and had shipped in graham crackers and Hershey bars..Yum! Cairo wanted to take a picture of me for the here it is...

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