Friday, March 28, 2008


Look how these two have grown.  Everyday they become better friends and have more fun together than the day before.  I feel so blessed to have twin boys.  I took this picture on Thursday after they had spent the morning at ACS being assessed for KG2.  I cannot believe they are almost 5 and ready to go to kindergarden.  Where does the time go?
As I blog this darling picture of them there is water rushing in under the front door because they are outside hosing each other down on the front porch.  They are laughing so hard...I don't know if I should stop it or just shove some towels up against the door...


Mrs.Kerr said...

Hope you went the towel route!

Anonymous said...

Teri, one of my friends told me your blog site. I love seeing you and your beautiful family and what you are doing and where you are! If you don't object I would love to be included as you are still my #1 girl! If not, I would understand! Your children are amazing and beautiful! like their momma!