Saturday, September 1, 2007

Visiting Sargon at his pad in Dubai

Our dear friend Sargon was in Dubai to relax for the weekend. He works in Kabul running several of his own businesses and maintains a place in Dubai so he can get a brake now and then. We decided to invade his peace for the weekend and spent the night at his place playing and catching up with one of our favorite people. The kids adore him and Brad and I have known him our entire relationship. Brad actually knew Sargon as a kid in Saudi Arabia. They attended the same American school. Their paths crossed again several years later when Sargon tracked Brad down in Cairo and hired him to direct the HR portion of Bechtel's contract to put out the oil fires from the 1st Gulf War in Kuwait. Since then, Sargon has been part of the family. It's always a treat to be with Sargon. He spoils us and kids rotten and we do our best to return the favor, impossible as it is.


jlohran said...

Terri- I just emailed you asking for your blog page address then I went surfing the web and found it on google-- it is amazing the technology! Anyway, I am so sorry we never saw you this summer. We were really bummed-- it went way to fast and before we knew it you were gone again. Anyway, i am a blogger now-- love yours very insprational. I want to go to Sargons too-- and that hotel you were at-- amazing! Anyway, our family blog page is Chit chat later. Jami

shannon said...

Terri! The kids are so cute! And I am so sad we never got to say goodbye the last night you were here. I came by again but you still weren't home. It was a crazy summer! Either I was gone or you were! Next time there will be NO excuses and I will come to the Monday pool dates. (there's a first for everything, right?)
