Monday, January 8, 2007

Charlie's sea creature bag. He is never far from his creatures. They don't get much fresh air but they seem to be doing fine.


Popa John said...

Loved hearing about Charley and the timer. Time, rythems, etc are a big thing with me as well. Routine is also help me be who I am.

We will see Tiger at the Buick Invitational just prior to Dubai Desert Classic. I will send a message with him for you all.


Sarah said...

I'm so jealous of your blog. I have got to get going on one... I'll try to make it as entertaining to read as yours is.
I read a stranger's blog titled "Passionate Eater" this would be a fitting title for mine, but it is already taken... I like this blog thing. Finally I get to eavesdrop on the innermost thoughts of strangers.