Thursday, April 23, 2009

We are off.  Tonight, in the middle of the night a driver will pick us up and take us to Dubai airport to embark on our safari adventure.  I'm not taking my computer so you will just have to wait to see week.  Lots of Laughs...Cooks
PS:  Good Luck with delivery SarBar and GerBar..Let's get Bergen here safely.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Charlie's Off... on Two Wheels

Charlie has had no interest in learning to ride a 2-wheeler.  Last summer in Utah Jack wanted to learn and was relentless when he wanted help.  It didn't take long.  After a few evenings outside with Brad chasing him he was off.
(Look how focused he is.  Biting his lip.)
All the while I kept asking Charlie if he wanted a turn.  "No" was his simple reply.  We didn't push him and he didn't express any interest at all.  
Last week he announced he wanted to learn to ride a 2-wheeler.  He asked a few times but it was either too hot out or I had just cleaned up for the day and didn't want to get sweaty again chasing him around.  Two nights ago he caught Brad.  Instead of softball, he wanted to learn how to ride.  Brad went outside to help him.  I didn't even have time to get my camera before Brad was back in the house.  Charlie was already off on his own, riding on 2 wheels.  I guess he has watched it long enough and thought about it and when he set his mind to it he was ready.  
I am so happy for him.  To see him so proud of himself is such fun.  Selfishly, I'm sad that I didn't get any pictures or movies of the learning process.  The couple I took today will have to do.

Friday, April 17, 2009

ACS Black and White Gala '09

Gunita, Molly and Vickie
Molly and Linda got the party started with their "groove things" shakin' all the way to the dance floor.
It was formal and we were to wear "Black or White".  I've always wanted to wear a Saree so Gunita generously loaned me a beautiful silk number with beading.  I don't quite have the glam of Bollywood but I had a great time playing it for a night.

This is the chair and tea pot Cairo's class donated for the auction.  The kids are all Eco-Friends so I thought a fun momento of our time here would be to decorate the chair with Arabic newspaper demonstrating how crafts can be environmentally friendly too.  

Easter Friday 2009

Everyone smiling, YEAH.  Aren't these the cutest 4 kids?  Everybody was cleaned up, ready for church and I quickly insisted on a photo.  They all cooperated and smiled.  It was an

Brad Brings Softball to the Fortress

First it was Heely's the kids all HAD to have.  Now every kid in the Fortress Compound is running out to purchase a glove to play softball with 
Brad from #11!
It started with a visit from Michelle Smith, a gold medal olympian from the US Women's Softball team.  She came to visit Abu Dhabi Women's college.  Brad brought home some equipment to toss around with the kids and suddenly softball was the new RAGE.
All the kids are getting really good at hitting and fielding.  
It was so great the other evening to see all the kids and Brad behind our neighborhood mosque playing softball.  At the other end of the parking lot there was a group of Arab boys playing cricket.  It wasn't long before the call to prayer came and men from the neighborhood were coming out to pray.  I loved the contrasts.   The sounds of the Muezzin calling to prayer, the kids from all different countries playing together, laughing and screaming, running and bumping.  In the center of all of it, Dr. Hotpants, Father of the Year, Cool Dad of the Compound, Big Bad Brad!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Count Down to African Adventure

It's been a dream of mine for as long as I remember to go on safari in Africa.  That dream will become a reality in less than 2 weeks!  This is one of the benefits of living in this part of the world.  Proximity to continents that are so far from home. 
Jack includes a prayer for a "good trip to Africa" in each of his prayers.  He told me the other day that we will see elephants tearing down trees.  According to him they do this so the other elephants can eat the trees.  It sounds logical. 
We will travel for 7 days.  Five of those days will be spent on safari.  We will migrate around to different camp sites following herds of animals in an attempt to see the most of everything. 
 Time is passing so quickly.
We depart on the 24th, Cairo's 9th birthday.  After we return we celebrate Jack and Charlie's 6th!  Then, I'm off to Utah to meet my new niece and hopefully find us a place to call home in Cedar City.
Before long this Abu Dhabi experience will be just fond memories.  And we'll be off on a new adventure making new memories together.

Thursday, April 9, 2009


We even have a family of birds living in our garden.  Isn't that a perfect backdrop for decorating

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Yoca and Louis Throw a Great Party

Nobody can dispute that Yoca and Louis know how to throw a great party.  The have the perfect house for entertaining complete with a bar, a dance floor and Louis' DJ skills and music collection.
(Molly and Brad..definitely talking health and fitness just before a big dinner.)
Last month they threw a paella party.  It was a beautiful evening and with their indoor-outdoor floor plan it was simply magical.  Yoca cooked the paella on the outdoor grill in a giant stainless steel pan.  The entire ambiance, food and company were beyond compare.  This fabulous couple would make Martha Stewart proud.
(Yoca the chef)
(Dana and Becky posing for the requisite photo)
Thanks Yoca and Louis!  We are going to miss these fun get-together's and the great crowd you always pull together.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

And They're Off...

After being postponed for a week because the President of the country couldn't make it on the previously scheduled week, the final camel races of the year are under way.
These white SUV's are following the camels around the track.  The camels are fitted with blue tooth technology in their ears and robots on their backs so the owners in the trucks can urge them on to victory.